hot tub

Why are you buying a hot tub?

Know the motivation behind your purchase to find what you need

Before you purchase your new hot tub, you need to determine why you want one — because this will help you to find the best fit for your needs and desires.

Do you plan on using your tub for therapeutic purposes? Possibly to soothe muscle aches, treat old or new injuries or fight arthritis? Do you intend to entertain in the hot tub? For large gatherings or small? Do you expect to use it daily, or just when the grandkids come over?

Many homeowners don’t realize that the hot tub will become a family gathering place. Family members often presume they’ll all use the hot tub, but separately. What actually happens is that it becomes a place for parents and children to relax and talk, so it’s important to plan for this.

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Answering these questions will help you choose the best make, model and method of buying.

Be sure to budget for both the initial purchase and the continuing maintenance of your tub, including whatever extras you might want to add, such as LED lighting, aromatherapy or extra jets. Also take a look at materials: Hot tub shells can be made of acrylic, fiberglass, wood, stainless steel or even vinyl, and you’ll need to know the benefits and downfalls of each. It’s almost impossible to change the features once the hot tub is assembled, so get your specifications the way you want them.

And know why you want each of these benefits and features — what goals are you hoping to achieve with your hot tub and what design elements will help you get there. Communicating this to a hot tub dealer is going to garner the best product results for you because they know the technical side of things and can make a variety of recommendations. Whatever way you choose to purchase, know your why and research until you find the best fit for you and your family.

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