Things are heating up in the Master Spas and Michael Phelps partnership. Earlier this year, Master Spas announced the...
In the world of hot tubs, the issue of energy consumption has become a growing concern for both retailers and...
Master Spas is leading the way in the popularity of cold-water therapy with its line of Michael Phelps Chilly GOAT...
Embracing Energy-Efficient Heat Pumps As the spa industry undergoes transformative changes, there’s a new player in town that’s making waves...
Swim spa accessories can take your experience to the next level. Accessories can transform your swim spa into a versatile and customized oasis.
In 1995, Terry Valmassoi moved his family from Southern California to Knoxville, Tennessee, to take a job with L.A. Spas....
The concept of a stationary swimming apparatus has been around since the 1980s, evolving over the last 40 years into...
On January 10, 2018, McKenna Porter, a 20-year-old student at the University of New Mexico, was in a terrible single-vehicle...
You’ve done all your research and are ready to visit your local retailers to see some hot tubs in person...