water care

H2O Hiccups

Troubleshooting hot tub water quality

Most sanitation and filtration systems do a fantastic job of maintaining water quality. But even with the best equipment, occasionally you may have to address water clarity. Here’s a cheat sheet of what to do when your water looks less than clear.

Clear Green Water

  • High copper or iron content: Add a solution that decreases minerals in the water.

Cloudy Water

  • Lack of sanitizer: Shock-treat and check and adjust sanitizer levels.
  • Chemical solids dissolved in water: Use a clarifying agent to help remove build-up of particles.
  • Imbalance of pH or total alkalinity levels: Test levels and adjust as needed using appropriate solutions.
  • Hard water: Use weekly treatment and drain/replace some water.
  • Dirty filter: Clean and/or replace filter.

Cloudy Green Water

  • Low alkalinity level: Use an agent that will raise the alkaline level in your spa.
  • Low sanitizer level: Shock-treat, then check and adjust sanitizer levels.

Brown Water

  • High iron or manganese content: Add a solution that decreases minerals in the water.

Scale Deposits

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  • High mineral content: Add a solution that decreases minerals in the water.
  • Imbalanced water: Test water balance and make adjustments.

Waterline Deposits

  • Natural buildup of oils and dirt from bathers: Clean spa surfaces with a cleaning solution and use a scum reducing agent. Consider the use of a spa pipe purging agent as well.


  • Large amounts of organic contaminants: Shock treat and check and adjust sanitizer levels.


  • Natural buildup of oils and dirt from bathers: Add a solution that will lower foam levels, then shock-treat. Consider a spa pipe purge.
  • Soft water: Test the calcium level and add a calcium-enhancing product to the spa.
  • Excessive dissolved solids: Drain hot tub and fill with fresh water.

Eye/Skin Irritants 

  • Chloramines or large amounts of organic contaminants: Shock-treat and check and adjust sanitizer levels.
  • Imbalance of pH or total alkalinity levels: Test levels and adjust as needed using appropriate solutions.

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